Coming from a long line of New England dairy farmers on
his father’s side, our founder, Dan Hodgdon, spent
summers working on his uncle’s organic farm in Vermont.
Although lovingly referred to as ‘that useless city-slicker’ by
his cousins, it didn’t take long for him to notice that all life
on the farm is dependent on the symbiotic relationship
between living organisms and the various elements that
comprise their environment. And that when everything in
nature is in the proper balance (the mineral , nitrogen & pH
levels of the soil, the hours of direct sunlight, the frequency
& source of water, the weather, insects & animals, etc.)
those organisms thrive.
Hair wellness & growth are no different. It’s not about any
single ingredient or method. Like grassy fields of alfalfa on
the farm, hair naturally grows and thrives when everything
in its surrounding environment (its ecosystem) is also
healthy, thereby contributing to its overall density,
smoothness and shine. Vegamour simply models nature’s
holistic approach to healthy growth & function by
combining bioavailable* plant-based actives, enzymes and
proteins in a 360, inside/out approach to create the
optimal ecosystem for hair wellness.